Why We Do This

A message from Dr. Brian Hill,
HIPnation Founder & CEO
I love medicine. Through it, I get to touch people's lives. I feel blessed when I can help my patients who are sick or hurting, and the joy that comes from developing those close patient-physician relationships that help people live happier, healthier, more full lives is special. These unique aspects of medicine drove me to become a physician in the first place. However, that vision of medicine has been eroded.
Medicine has been buried within an industry that now controls healthcare. Healthcare has become more about insurance companies, payment models, hospital systems, and the other large stakeholders in the system. Healthcare has been inundated with intermediaries that add tremendous cost and distraction without value. Healthcare is now commoditized, dehumanized, sclerotic, and increasingly expensive. My patients, their businesses, my physician colleagues, and society as a whole are suffering as a result. This leaves us with two options: continue down the current path or strike a new direction.
We at HIPnation have chosen the latter. We are physicians who have come together to reimagine healthcare. We are unencumbered by the status quo and proudly declare ourselves to be intentionally different. We remain steadfast and unyielding in our mission to create a better way forward, to make healthcare affordable, accessible, and about people.